Minimum Work for Separating CO₂

Minimum Work for a Reversible Process

To calculate the minimum work required to separate and capture carbon dioxide, we begin by considering the thermodynamic principles governing the process. For a closed, isothermal system, the First Law of Thermodynamics gives:

ΔU=QW=0Q=W,\Delta U = Q - W = 0 \quad \Rightarrow \quad Q = W,

where QQ is the heat transferred, WW is the work done, and ΔU\Delta U is the change in internal energy. Combining this with the Second Law of Thermodynamics:

QTΔS,Q \leq T \Delta S,


WminTΔS.W_\text{min} \leq T \Delta S.

The lower bound of this inequality represents the minimum work WminW_{\text{min}}, which corresponds to a reversible process.

Mixing and Demixing

Consider the system depicted in Figure 1.1.4, where a partition separates carbon dioxide (CO2) and another gas. When the wall is removed, the gases mix, increasing the entropy of the system. Conversely, demixing (or separating the gases) requires work to decrease the entropy. Because mixing and demixing are opposite processes, their associated entropy changes are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign:

ΔSdemix=ΔSmix.\Delta S_{\text{demix}} = -\Delta S_{\text{mix}}.

The minimum work for demixing is therefore given by:

Wmin=TΔSmix.W_{\text{min}} = -T \Delta S_{\text{mix}}.

This work represents the energy required to carry out the process reversibly.

Entropy of Gas Expansion

Derivation from Microstates

When gases mix, their individual volumes expand, increasing their entropy. To calculate the entropy of mixing, we define the following parameters:

  • α: Volume fraction of CO2.
  • ntotn_{\text{tot}}: Total moles of gas.
  • VtotV_{\text{tot}}: Total volume of gas.

From Equations (1.1.20) and (1.1.22), we can write

NkB=nR,N k_B = n R,

where NN is the total number of molecules, kBk_B is the Boltzmann constant, nn is the number of moles, and RR is the gas constant. We know that NN is proportional to nn and number of lattice sites JJ is proportional to volume VV. Therefore, we can rewrite Equation (1.3.19) to be

S=nRln(nV)+constant.S = - n R \ln \left( \frac{n}{V} \right) + \text{constant}.

where the added constant represents the proportionality constant inside the natural logarithm term.

We can see from Equation (1.4.7) that as the volume expands at constant nn and TT, the entropy increases. This occurs because a larger volume provides more lattice sites, reducing the fraction of occupied sites and thus increasing the disorder of the gas. Another way to understand this expansion is to use the ideal gas law, Equation (1.1.23), and the assumption of constant temperature TT to get

S=nRln(P)+constant.S = - n R \ln \left( P \right) + \text{constant}.

This expression shows that as the pressure decreases, the entropy if the system will increase. If we evaluate the change in entropy if the pressure changes from P1P_1 to P2P_2, we get

ΔS=S2S1=nRln(P2)+constant[nRln(P1)+constant]=nR[ln(P2)ln(P1)]=nRln(P2P1)\begin{aligned} \Delta S &= S_2 - S_1 \\ &= - n R \ln \left( P_2 \right) + \cancel{\text{constant}} -\left[ - n R \ln \left( P_1 \right) + \cancel{\text{constant}} \right] \\ &= -n R \left[ \ln(P_2) - \ln(P_1) \right] \\ &= -n R \ln \left( \frac{P_2}{P_1} \right) \end{aligned}

Derivation from Thermodynamic Principles

We can also derive Equations (1.4.8) and (1.4.9) without needing to rely on the counting the microstates of the system. Starting from the First Law, we know that ΔU=QW\Delta U = Q − W. In a closed isothermal system we know that ΔU=0\Delta U = 0, and therefore Q=WQ = W. Recall that for a reversible process:

Qrev=TΔSδW=PdVW=PdV,\begin{aligned} Q_\text{rev} &= T \Delta S \\ \delta W &= P \, dV \\ W &= \int P \, dV, \end{aligned}

where PP is the total pressure of the system. From these relations we can derive that

ΔS=QrevT=WT=PTdV.\begin{aligned} \Delta S &= \frac{Q_\text{rev}}{T} \\ &= \frac{W}{T} \\ &= \int \frac{P}{T} dV. \end{aligned}

From the ideal gas Equation (1.1.23) we know that V=(nRT)/PV = (n R T) / P, and therefore (when nn and TT are constant)

dV=nRTP(1P)=nRTP2dP.\begin{aligned} dV &= n R T \frac{\partial}{\partial P} \left( \frac{1}{P} \right) \\ &= - \frac{n R T}{P^2} dP. \end{aligned}

Combining these equations and evaluating the integral we get

ΔS=PTnRTP2dP=nR1PdP=nR[ln(P)]P1P2=nRln(P2P1),\begin{aligned} \Delta S &= - \int \frac{P}{T} \frac{n R T}{P^2} dP \\ &= - n R \int \frac{1}{P} dP \\ &= - n R \Big[ \ln(P) \Big]_{P_1}^{P_2} \\ &= - n R \ln \left( \frac{P_2}{P_1} \right), \end{aligned}

which is the same result as given in Equation (1.4.9). Both approaches show that the change in entropy ΔS\Delta S scales with lnP-\ln P.

Previously, we derived the same entropy expression based on partial pressure using a statistical approach. In this second approach, we derived the relation for a reversible, isothermal gas expansion using the ideal gas law and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Why are these methods equivalent? The ideal gas law is rooted in the statistical mechanics of microstates, so while the derivations appear different, they ultimately reflect the same underlying principles.

Entropy of Mixing

Figure 1.4.1 shows a closed isothermal system, where the left chamber contains a volume fraction α of CO2\text{CO}_2 equal to

α=VCO2Vtotal,\alpha = \frac{V_{\text{CO}_2}}{V_\text{total}},

where VCO2V_{\text{CO}_2} and VtotalV_\text{total} are the volumes of the CO₂-containing portion and the total system respectively. We will assume both compositions are ideal gases, and thus the volumes vary linearly with the number of moles of each substance. We can therefore define α as the number fraction, equal to

α=nCO2ntotal,\alpha = \frac{n_{\text{CO}_2}}{n_\text{total}},

where nCO2n_{\text{CO}_2} and ntotaln_\text{total} are the number of moles of the CO₂-containing portion and the total system respectively.

Three boxes partitioned into two chambers under identical pressure P, consisting of varying fractions \alpha moles of CO₂ and (1-\alpha) moles of another gas.

Figure 1.4.1:Three boxes partitioned into two chambers under identical pressure PP, consisting of varying fractions α moles of CO₂ and (1α1-\alpha) moles of another gas.

Let’s consider what happens when we remove the partition as a function of α for the 3 scenarios in Figure 1.4.1:

  • a) Both gases double in volume.
  • b) CO2 expands to 5×5 \times its volume, and the other gases to (5/4)×(5/4) \times their original volume.
  • c) CO2 expands to 10×10 \times its volume, and the other gases to (10/9)×(10/9) \times their original volume.

We see that the volume expansion of each side depends on the fraction α. Specifically, the ratio of the initial volume V1V_1 to the final volume V2V_2 for CO₂ is equal to

V1V2CO2=α,\left. \frac{V_1}{V_2} \right|_\text{CO2} = \alpha,

and the volume ratio for the other gases is equal to

V1V2other=1α.\left. \frac{V_1}{V_2} \right|_\text{other} = 1-\alpha.

Next, let’s consider the entropy of mixing ΔS\Delta S before and after mixing

ΔS=SfinalSinitial.\Delta S = S_\text{final} - S_\text{initial}.

From the ideal gas law given in Equation (1.1.23) we know that pressure and volume are inversely proportional when nn and TT are kept constant. We can therefore rewrite Equation (1.4.9) to be

ΔS=nRln(V1V2)\Delta S = - n R \ln \left( \frac{V_1}{V_2} \right)

We can plug in the volume ratios given above to compute the total change in entropy

ΔSmix=ΔSCO2+ΔSother=nCO2RlnαnotherRln(1α)=αntotalRlnα(1α)ntotalRln(1α)=ntotalR[αlnα+(1α)ln(1α)].\begin{aligned} \Delta S_\text{mix} &= \Delta S_\text{CO2} + \Delta S_\text{other} \\ &= - n_\text{CO2} R \ln \alpha - n_\text{other} R \ln (1-\alpha) \\ &= - \alpha \, n_\text{total} R \ln \alpha - (1-\alpha) n_\text{total} R \ln (1-\alpha) \\ &= - n_\text{total} R \Big[ \alpha \ln \alpha + (1-\alpha) \ln (1 - \alpha) \Big]. \end{aligned}

Whenever deriving a new mathematical relationship, we should always ask ourselves if the result is sensible. Let’s consider the edge cases for α, specifically when α=0\alpha=0 and α=1\alpha=1. In both of these cases, both logarithmic terms in Equation (1.4.20) will go to zero and thus ΔSmix=0\Delta S_\text{mix}=0. This makes sense, as if there is no partition, removing it cannot change the entropy of the system.

Next, we examine the values of ΔSmix\Delta S_\text{mix} for values 0<α<10 < \alpha < 1, plotted in Figure 1.4.2. We can see that the entropy of mixing has mirror symmetry about the α=0.5\alpha=0.5 line, which makes sense because both sides of the chamber contain ideal gases at the same pressure value.

Source:Entropy of CO2 mixing
<Figure size 600x300 with 1 Axes>

Figure 1.4.2:Entropy of mixing for CO₂ and the other gases.

The entropy of mixing has mirror symmetry about α=0.5\alpha = 0.5, which makes sense because both sides of the chamber contain ideal gases at the same pressure. At α=0.5\alpha = 0.5, the two gases are present in equal amounts, with half CO₂ and half of the other gas. This creates the maximum disorder because each gas expands into the largest possible fraction of the total volume. But why doesn’t α=0.25\alpha = 0.25 (or α=0.75\alpha = 0.75) result in more entropy of mixing, since one gas occupies 75% of the volume? The answer lies in how both gases contribute to the entropy, shown explicitly in Figure 1.4.3.

At α=0.25\alpha = 0.25, CO₂ occupies 25% of the total volume, so it contributes less to the entropy compared to α=0.5\alpha = 0.5, where CO₂ occupies 50%. Meanwhile, the other gas, which occupies 75% of the volume at α=0.25\alpha = 0.25, has fewer ways to mix compared to α=0.5\alpha = 0.5, where it also occupies 50%. The key point is that both gases contribute to the entropy of mixing, and the total entropy is maximized when the contributions from both gases are balanced, which happens when α=0.5\alpha = 0.5.

To understand this intuitively, imagine mixing red and blue balls in a box. When you have an equal number of red and blue balls, there are far more ways to arrange them compared to when one color dominates. This balance maximizes the number of possible arrangements (microstates), which corresponds to the maximum entropy of mixing at α=0.5\alpha = 0.5.

Source:Entropy of CO2 mixing
<Figure size 600x500 with 1 Axes>

Figure 1.4.3:Entropy of mixing for CO₂ and the other gases, with individual contributions from each shown.

So far, we have only considered the total entropy of mixing. However, for the CO₂ separation application, instead we need to consider the entropy of mixing normalized by how much CO₂ we separate from other gases. This normalization will make it much easier to compare CO₂ separation between different applications, such as those shown in Figure 1.1.3.

We therefore need to calculate the minimum work required to separate CO₂ per mole of CO₂. If we assume this work is dominated by the entropy of mixing, this value will be the result of Equation (1.4.20) divided by the number of moles of CO₂, equal to

ΔSmix, CO2=ΔSmixnCO2=RntotalnCO2[αlnα+(1α)ln(1α)]=Rα[αlnα+(1α)ln(1α)].\begin{aligned} \Delta \overline{S}_\text{mix, CO2} &= \frac{\Delta S_\text{mix}}{n_\text{CO2}} \\ &= -R \frac{n_\text{total}}{n_\text{CO2}} \Big[ \alpha \ln \alpha + (1-\alpha) \ln (1 - \alpha) \Big] \\ &= - \frac{R}{\alpha} \Big[ \alpha \ln \alpha + (1-\alpha) \ln (1 - \alpha) \Big]. \end{aligned}

This expression is plotted in Figure 1.4.4, which as we can see matches the result shown in Figure 1.1.3 up to a numerical scaling factor. We can identify several key features from this model:

  • As α0\alpha \rightarrow 0, the work required to separate each mole of CO₂ approaches infinity. This intuitively makes sense, as gathering extremely small amounts of a dilute gas would require a lot of sorting target molecules from all of the others.
  • As α1\alpha \rightarrow 1, the work required to separate each mole of CO₂ approaches zeros. This also intuitively makes sense, as at α=1\alpha=1 we already have a volume of pure CO₂ and thus do not need to perform the any further separation.
  • As α increases, the work required to separate each mole of CO₂ decreases.
  • Beyond α0.2\alpha \approx 0.2, the work required decreases approximately linearly.
Source:Entropy of CO2 mixing
<Figure size 600x300 with 1 Axes>

Figure 1.4.4:Specific entropy of mixing for CO₂.

Minimum Work for Gas Separation

To conclude, we now have all of the pieces required to quantitatively compute the thermodynamic minimum work required to separate CO₂, as a function of the number of moles of CO₂ and temperature. Knowing that ΔSdemix=ΔSmix\Delta S_\text{demix} = - \Delta S_\text{mix} and referring to Equations (1.4.5) and (1.4.20), we can write

Wmin=TΔSdemix=TΔSmix=ntotalRT[αlnα+(1α)ln(1α)].\begin{aligned} W_\text{min} &= T \Delta S_\text{demix} \\ &= - T \Delta S_\text{mix} \\ &= n_\text{total} R \, T \Big[ \alpha \ln \alpha + (1-\alpha) \ln (1 - \alpha) \Big]. \end{aligned}

We can perform the same normalization as in Equation (1.4.21) to calculate the specific work requited to separate one mole of CO₂ to be

Wmin,CO2=RTα[αlnα+(1α)ln(1α)].\overline{W}_\text{min,CO2} = \frac{R \, T}{\alpha} \Big[ \alpha \ln \alpha + (1-\alpha) \ln (1 - \alpha) \Big].

The units of Wmin,CO2\overline{W}_\text{min,CO2} are J / mole CO₂. We can again see that separating a mole of CO₂ from a source with low CO₂ concentration will require more work than separating CO₂ from a source containing a high CO₂ concentration. As shown in Figure 1.1.3, capturing CO₂ from flue gas will require less work than capturing CO₂ from the atmosphere. Equation (1.4.23) always shows that the work requited will always be negative, which matches our sign convention that we need to input work into the system for gas separation.

Typically, when working with gases we will express their quantity using partial pressures, which the pressure value of each individual gas component. In this case, the partial pressures of CO₂ (pCO2)(p_\text{CO2}) and the other gases (pother)(p_\text{other}) are equal to

pCO2=αPtotalpother=(1α)Ptotal,\begin{aligned} p_\text{CO2} &= \alpha P_\text{total} \\ p_\text{other} &= (1-\alpha) P_\text{total}, \end{aligned}

where the total pressure Ptotal=pCO2+potherP_\text{total} = p_\text{CO2} + p_\text{other}. Inserting these values into Equation (1.4.23) yields

Wmin,CO2=RTPtotalpCO2[pCO2Ptotalln(pCO2Ptotal)+potherPtotalln(potherPtotal)]=RT[ln(pCO2Ptotal)+potherpCO2ln(potherPtotal)].\begin{aligned} \overline{W}_\text{min,CO2} &= R \, T \frac{P_\text{total}}{p_\text{CO2}} \Big[ \frac{p_\text{CO2}}{P_\text{total}} \ln \left( \frac{p_\text{CO2}}{P_\text{total}} \right) + \frac{p_\text{other}}{P_\text{total}} \ln \left( \frac{p_\text{other}}{P_\text{total}} \right) \Big] \\ &= R \, T \Big[ \ln \left( \frac{p_\text{CO2}}{P_\text{total}} \right) + \frac{p_\text{other}}{p_\text{CO2}} \ln \left( \frac{p_\text{other}}{P_\text{total}} \right) \Big]. \end{aligned}

We can also use Equation (1.4.25) to calculate the minimum work to separate CO₂ with real units. The ideal gas constant RR is equal to 8.314 J/(K⋅mol). This minimum work is plotted in Figure 1.4.5 for one atmosphere of pressure (P=1P = 1 atm) and room temperature (T=300T = 300 K), equal to

Wmin,CO2=8.314JK mol300K[ln(pCO2atm)+1pCO2atmpCO2atmln(1pCO2atm)]=2494Jmol[ln(pCO2atm)+1pCO2atmpCO2atmln(1pCO2atm)].\begin{aligned} \overline{W}_\text{min,CO2} &= 8.314 \frac{\text{J}}{\text{K mol}} 300 K \Big[ \ln \left( p_\text{CO2}^\text{atm} \right) + \frac{1-p_\text{CO2}^\text{atm}}{p_\text{CO2}^\text{atm}} \ln \left( 1-p_\text{CO2}^\text{atm} \right) \Big] \\ &= 2494 \frac{\text{J}}{\text{mol}} \Big[ \ln \left( p_\text{CO2}^\text{atm} \right) + \frac{1-p_\text{CO2}^\text{atm}}{p_\text{CO2}^\text{atm}} \ln \left( 1-p_\text{CO2}^\text{atm} \right) \Big]. \end{aligned}
Source:Entropy of CO2 mixing
<Figure size 600x300 with 1 Axes>

Figure 1.4.5:Specific entropy of mixing for CO₂.

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