Chemical Potential of Li (in Negative Electrode)

In the negative electrode, Li is plated onto the lithium metal or dissolved into the electrolyte in the form of Li+\text{Li}^+. The only contribution to the Gibbs free energy we consider is that of pure Li metal:

GLi=μLi metal0N(4.23)G_{\text{Li}} = \mu^0_{\text{Li metal}}\, N \qquad (4.23)

where NN is the number of Li atoms. When there is no Li present, GLi=0G_{\text{Li}} = 0. There is also no configurational entropy associated with plating, since Li metal is a pure compound with no vacancies. Thus, we write the chemical potential as

μLi=μLi metal0(4.24)\mu_{\text{Li}} = \mu^0_{\text{Li metal}} \qquad (4.24)
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