Many experiments in scanning transmission electron microscopy collect an enormous amount of data, due to the widespread adoption of high speed direct electron detectors. These include in situ time series, tilt series for 3D tomography, spectroscopy data such as STEM-EELS, and four dimensional STEM diffraction experiments. As a result, we require fast and efficient software codes to analyze these large datasets. This workshop will provide an overview of open source python tools for analysis of atomic resolution imaging and diffraction datasets. In this workshop, we will direct participants through hands-on python tutorials and provide example datasets for analysis of 4D-STEM experiments using py4DSTEM. We will also explain the principles behind simulation of TEM and STEM experiments, and lead participants through tutorials of the abTEM simulation program.
The content presented in this workshop has been adapted from previous 4D-STEM simulation and analysis workshops the lead author has co-taught in the past.
We are indebted to past co-instructors for their contributions, namely the rest of the py4DSTEM
core dev team C. Ophus, B. Savitzky, S. Ribet, and S. Zeltmann, as-well as the abTEM
dev team J. Madsen and T. Susi.
G. Varnavides acknowledges financial support from the center of microscopy and microanalysis (CMM) of the University of Queensland, Australia.